Whatever the scale of project, a key first step for landowners and/or developers should always be to fully understand the planning constraints and opportunities for their site. Causeway Planning are experts in preparing Planning Site Appraisals that can provide invaluable due diligence to clients, whether it is in advance of the sale or prospective purchase of land or simply the early stages of a prospective development.

Site Appraisals can also be utilised as a ‘sanity check’ on the planning feasibility of initial development studies. This can help to manage expectations and provide key planning guidance before clients commit to the notable expense associated with bringing a scheme to the necessary level of detail for a planning application submission.

A Planning Site Appraisal can be offered by Causeway Planning in one of two forms:

High-level desktop site appraisal
• Online planning history (including existing lawful use)
• Review of key planning designations
• Short opinion on site’s development potential

Detailed site appraisal
• Visit to site and surrounding area
• Planning history (including existing lawful use, relevant precedents and legal decisions)
• Review of planning policies and designations
• Review and commentary on material planning considerations
• Assessment of any initial development studies
• Outline of CIL and S106 contributions likely to be requested by local authority
• Planning strategy advice

The details of these appraisals can be presented in report form and also explained and discussed with clients if required at a subsequent meeting.

Obtaining a well-researched and insightful Site Appraisal from Causeway Planning will allow you to minimise uncertainty and provide you with the reassurance as to whether or not to proceed with a development.