As part of the pre-application service, Causeway Planning will always seek to identify potential planning issues and opportunities to guide early design development.  However, Applicants are also strongly encouraged to engage with local planning authorities and other relevant statutory bodies prior to the submission of a planning application, particularly for larger or more complex projects.

Causeway Planning is highly experienced at advising on the most appropriate pre-application strategy, tailoring this strategy to the nature and location of each project.  We would then seek to maximise the benefit of pre-application consultation to:

  • explain and promote the proposal to decision-makers;
  • seek to resolve predicted as well as unforeseen obstacles;
  • identify specific mitigating requirements;
  • agree the information required to accompany a formal valid planning application; and
  • most importantly, build positive and collaborative dialogue with officers and key stakeholders.

Causeway Planning will therefore ensure that the pre-application process greatly improves the quality of your planning application and the likelihood of success in as timely a manner as possible.