There are a number of reasons why a third party, whether that be an individual or local interest group, might seek to legitimately object to a scheme that is subject to a pre-application or planning application.  The majority of third party concerns are often centred on the personal impact caused by the emerging proposals.

Causeway Planning can prepare a clear and professional submission to the planning authority on your behalf during the pre-application phase and / or within the statutory consultation period for a planning application.  Using our detailed knowledge of the planning process, we can ensure that your genuine concerns are afforded appropriate weight by officers through a focus on relevant planning considerations, giving your objection the momentum and profile it needs.

If required, Causeway Planning can represent you at Planning Committee to ensure that elected members are made fully aware of your concerns and the need for them to be addressed before making their decision.

In the event that the scheme in question is refused by the local planning authority, Causeway Planning can act on your behalf should the decision be appealed by the Applicant, including attending and presenting at a hearing or inquiry should this be required.