Causeway Planning can assist you from start to finish with any of the following types of applications for schemes of every scale and type:

  • Outline / Full Planning Permission
  • Listed Building Consent
  • Approval of Reserved Matters
  • Change of Use
  • Householder application (extensions, conservatories, loft conversions, outbuildings)
  • Certificate of Lawfulness
  • Prior Approval of Permitted Development Rights
  • Approved of Details Reserved by Condition
  • Non-Material / Minor Material Amendment to Approved Scheme
  • Removal / Variation of Planning Conditions
  • Prior Approval of Demolition
  • Advertisement Consent

Using our wealth of experience, we will often take on the role of project lead, responsible for devising and implementing the planning strategy; coordinating all pre-application discussions/liaison with the local planning authority (and any other relevant body); preparing all relevant planning documents; liaising with, and managing inputs from, each relevant member of the design team to ensure a comprehensive planning submission; and engaging with decision-makers to ensure a speedy and positive outcome for your planning application.

For larger / more complex proposals, we can help you to fully consult with the local community and key local stakeholders; schedule and attend any Design Review Panels (DRP) or other pre-application consultation forums or panels; prepare for and present at any Planning Committee; and advise on any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liabilities or Section 106 Agreement obligations.