Due to the often protracted nature of the planning application process, planning permissions may not always be fit for purpose due, for example, to variations in the market or economy, new construction techniques or new regulatory requirements.

Equally, as a project progresses towards delivery, certain unforeseen obstacles or opportunities for improvement might be identified that necessitate adjustments to the approved design.

In such instances, Causeway Planning can advise on the planning options available to amend a planning permission.  This can include applications under Section 96a (non-material) and 73 (minor material) of the Town and Country Planning Act to bring your planning permission in line with the preferred delivery scheme.

Advice can be provided on any implications of scheme amendments for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liability and potential amendments to the obligations within a Section 106 legal agreement through a Deed of Variation.

Equally, Causeway Planning can assist in the coordination and submission of applications to secure the discharge of all relevant phased conditions attached to the planning permission and any planning input and submissions in respect of the Section 106 agreement and Section 278 works.  We can also advise on the phasing and payment of CIL.