National, regional and local planning policies act as the guiding framework for all development to come forward.  It is sometimes underestimated how much landowners and developers can contribute to, and influence, the content of planning policy documents to the benefit of their landholdings and emerging proposals.

Causeway Planning can act on your behalf by preparing and submitting representations to the emerging planning policy or guidance documents during statutory periods of consultation and, if necessary, attend and present at any Examinations in Public.

These representations can argue for the inclusion, omission or variation of emerging planning policies that might act as a constraint to development of your site or alternatively facilitate a smoother approval process.

More specifically, representations can provide the opportunity to argue for your development site should you or the planning authority wish to include it as part of a new or existing Site Allocation.  Causeway Planning can assist you in making the case for inclusion in a Site Allocation designation and / or ensuring that the general parameters for development set out within the Allocation are favourable and aligned with your intentions for the site.