Planning can often be confusing and frustrating so it is inevitable that instances occur where development has been undertaken without the necessary planning approval.  You may have been contacted by the Council following a complaint by a neighbour, or been served with an enforcement notice to remedy what is perceived by the local authority to be a breach of planning control.

In this instance, Causeway Planning can provide you with advice on the best course of action.  This can often result in us preparing the submission of an application on your behalf for either a Lawful Development Certificate or retrospective planning permission to make the development lawful in planning terms.  Key to this will be establishing a positive dialogue with the planning and enforcement team at the local authority to allow for collaborative negotiation and a sensible resolution of the issue.

In a small number of cases, it may be necessary to consider appealing against an enforcement notice due to a lack of resolution at a local level.  Based on our experience and analysis of the case, Causeway Planning can advise whether there are sufficient grounds for appeal and, if so, prepare and submit the appeal on your behalf.